Thursday, August 15, 2013

Cabbage Cheese Paratha

I had left over previous day's cabbage after doing half of it into a curry and a bag of cheese.I wanted to do something with these so that it will be delicious for kids also.I ran across this recipe when I was searching for a Person's success story. Wrote this recipe and immediately thought of doing this. I added a few things more to this to give my own twist.

Wheat flour- 1and 1/2 cup
Cabbage  -1 cup ( shredded)
Cheese- 1/2 cup ( grated)
Coriander leaves- 1/2 cup ( finely chopped)
Onions- 1/4 cup ( finely chopped or grate them ,if you don't want you can omit onions )
Green chillies- 2 ( finely chopped)
Coriander and cumin powder- 1/2 tbsp
Salt- 1/4 tbsp

  1. Mix the wheat flour with enough water and knead it into a smooth dough,take some  flour for dusting.
  2. Sprinkle some salt on the shredded cabbage and leave it for 5 minutes,you can see a it watering a little ,give a little squeeze and the water oozes out.
  3. To this add chopped coriander leaves,onions and green chillies.
  4. Add grated cheese with coriander and cumin powder, salt and mix well.
  5. Divide the dough into 8 to 9 parts.
  6. Roll each part slightly so that you can add the filing and seal it all over.
  7. Roll them into parathas and bake them on a heated pan both sides,applying a little oil/ghee on both the sides.
  8. Serve them with pickle or yogurt.
Add salt to the shredded cabbage and sprinkle some salt to squeeze extra water.

Add chopped onions,coriander leaves and chopped green chillies.

Add grated cheese.

Add 1/2 tablespoon coriander and cumin powder.

Add 1/4 tablespoon of salt.

Mix everything.

Make dough into equal parts.

Roll the small parts and add 2tbsps of mix prepared.

Seal it from all the sides.

Roll them into parathas and cook them on both the sides on a hot pan.
Apply oil/ghee on both the sides.

Cabbage Cheese Parathas.

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