Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Asparagus Spagetti

I am the one who has always been in love with Spagetti a lot.I usually use whole wheat Spagetti .There are so many variations to make spagetti ,much of them need a lot of cheese, mine has a little swerve to the original recipe.I used only a tbsp of grated cheese for everyone and added a tbsp of extra cheese before serving the kids portion to them.But one can make their variations to this recipe in terms of cheese,add mushrooms or spinach.

Spagetti - 100 gms to 150 gms
Tomato - 1 large
Asparagus- 8 to 10
Garlic pods- 2 ( minced)
Red chilli flakes- 3/4 of a tablespoon ( I felt it a little spicier,if making for kids can reduce this to 1/2 tbsp)
Olive oil- 1/4 cup
Salt- 2 tsps
Parmesan cheese- 1 tbsp(grated) ( kids had a little more cheese)

  1. Take Spagetti in a pan ,add water till the Spagetti immerses and boil them till they are cooked.Mine took almost 20 minutes and drain the remaining water and keep it aside.
  2. Split the asparagus into 3/4 and 1/4 ,just bend the asparagus till it is cut into 3/4 and 1/4 , so that the beginning of the asparagus is 3/4 and the end of it is only 1/4 which cannot be used for Spagetti. Although I have seen on a television show that the 1/4 part  can be used for soups. Cut the remaining 3/4 of the asparagus in a inch each pieces.
  3. Cut the tomatoes and the garlic pods.
  4. In a pan take 1/4 cup of olive oil and then add cut asparagus and red chilli flakes.It takes 2 to 3 minutes for the asparagus to be done,then add garlic .Stir a little and then add tomatoes and sauté them till the tomatoes are cooked.
  5. Add cooked Spagetti and 2 tsps of salt and finally add Parmesan cheese for nice flavor.
Ingredients required for Asparagus Spagetti

Bend the asparagus ,so that the front portion is 3/4 of the sparagus and break them in two pieces.

The lower portion of the asparagus can be used in soups.

All the chopped veggies.

First saute asparagus and red chilli flakes for 2 minutes and then add garlic and tomatoes.

Add cooked spagetti and salt and grated cheese and mix well.

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